Photo: Jonathan Adler
Nothing helps you make your mark on your home like decorating it to suit your own cool style. Well-placed art has the power to transform an otherwise pretty plain room into the focus point of the house, but this can be difficult if you’re an art novice. It might not seem difficult when you first think about it, yet when you’re faced with so many options and prices, you’ll find it almost impossible to settle on something, so much bloomin’ choice! These tips might help you narrow your options….
Buy what you love – Fine art is always subject to your individual taste, you should definitely buy pieces that you find thrilling to look at. Perhaps you don’t know what kind of art you like, so you’ll first need to find some inspiration from galleries, museums, or art stores. You should never have to justify your taste in art; if you get the same thrill from knowing you own Andy Warhol’s soup can paintings as others do from looking a Van Gogh’s Sunflowers, then it aint nobody’s business but yours. Warhol photographed shoes, people, postcards and hundreds of everyday mundane items; if the same images make you happy, then you’re in very good company. You can learn more about Andy Warhol’s artistic impressions at https://hamiltonselway.com/andy-warhols-10-most-famous-quotes. Art doesn’t have to conform to a social norm, so if it’s not to your taste, you don’t have to invest in landscape pieces, or anything that would qualify as ‘traditional’ art. The only opinion that matters here is yours. Take your time to look around and see what you’d be happy to have hanging in your living room.
The best art for the best room – If you feel strongly about a certain art piece, your first instinct might be to hang it up somewhere. However, before you start hammering, you need to see if the painting works with the decor of the room. Placing art in the wrong surroundings can kinda diminish its beauty and impact. This doesn’t mean that the painting has to match the room; in fact, deliberately contrasting the art with the decor can complement the whole space. You might even wanna consider putting a contemporary piece in a traditional room, or vice versa, to add visual interest. It will take a few tries, but it’s a good idea to try out the art on different walls to see where it works best.
Creating an atmosphere – Every room has a purpose, so the art you choose has to fulfill the same purpose, whether it matches the room or not. In a bedroom it’s appropriate for art to be calming, or even seductive, but in a dining room you can afford to be bolder and more dramatic. If you intend to relax in your living room, don’t choose art that’s too loud, or anything that feels as though it takes over the room. The purpose of the room where you intend to display your art should influence the tone of the artwork itself. Happy picture hangin’!